3 Common Denture Damages That Require Repairs

Posted on: 11 July 2019


Any dentist will tell you that a good set of teeth makes a world of difference for aesthetics and self-confidence. It is no wonder you will see people with missing teeth smiling less often, and when they do, they use their palms to cover their mouths. Therefore, it is challenging for such individuals to express themselves and enjoy the simple things in life, such as smiling. Not to fret though as dentures -- although not as strong as natural teeth -- are designed to be durable and resemble real teeth. However, since dentures are made from a material that can erode and wear, damages are not unusual. When this happens, dentures can be uncomfortable to the wearer, and immediate repair is necessary. This article highlights some of the most common damages that require denture repairs

1. Fractured Dentures -- Dentures resemble real teeth; therefore, they perform the same functions that real teeth do such as chewing and biting. However, if a denture is of poor fit, then the upper and lower set will not align evenly. Therefore, as you chew or bite and apply force on a particular section of the denture, hairline fractures will result over time. The hairline fractures lead to a large crack and eventual breakage. Since a fractured denture is uncomfortable, regular inspection is essential, especially during brushing. If you see signs of a fracture, you need to consult your dentist for repairs. It is easier and less expensive to fix a fractured denture than a broken one. 

2. Worn Dentures -- Just like real teeth, dentures wear out, but at a much faster rate. It is because dentures are not made from the bone like real teeth. As such, dentures wear out over time, and the unfortunate part is that you are less likely to know when they do. It is especially the case for patients that do not go for regular oral checkups. As dentures wear out, there will be a poor distribution of forces during chewing and biting, which consequently ruins a perfect denture fit. Therefore, not only are worn dentures uncomfortable, but they also lead to premature denture fractures. While you can tell whether your dentures are worn out, it is advisable to let your doctor make that determination. The dentist will then make repairs to parts that are worn out.

3. Loose Dentures -- Changes to jaw bone structure is nothing unusual in patients with missing teeth. It is because the jawbone tends to shrink in areas that don't have teeth. Therefore, the dentures get loose over time and become a nuisance to the wearer. For instance, loose dentures are susceptible to falling when speaking or eating, and that can have a significant impact on a patient's self-esteem. Fortunately, loose dentures are easy to fix since all that is needed is to trim off parts that don't fit snugly into the gums.