2 Ways to Fix Overlapping Teeth Without Orthodontic Treatment
Posted on: 25 June 2020
When front teeth overlap, it can affect your confidence. You might also struggle to eat comfortably. Braces can correct this condition quite easily. But if you don't like the idea of getting braces, then you'll need an alternative approach. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can help to correct overlapped teeth without the need for braces.
If you are tired of your overlapped teeth ruining your smile, then consider opting for one of the following treatments.
1. Recontouring (Enameloplasty)
Dentists use a technique they call recontouring or enameloplasty to reshape teeth. This technique is useful for when teeth are misshapen or misaligned. Recontouring is also a fast and painless procedure that takes roughly 30 minutes or so per tooth.
To carry out this procedure, dentists use a drill-like tool to remove enamel from the surface of a tooth. And because there are no nerves in enamel, patients experience little to no discomfort aside from the sensation of the drill. Once they have removed enough enamel to reshape a tooth, dentists then polish the tooth.
In your case, a cosmetic dentist will remove some of the enamel of the overlapping tooth. They might also use cosmetic bonding to give the other side of the overlapping tooth a straighter edge. Once complete, your teeth should appear straight and match in shape and size.
2. Veneers
Veneers are porcelain, which is a very tough material, even tougher than the enamel of your natural teeth. Dentists use veneers to cover stained, damaged or misaligned teeth in the smile zone. And although porcelain veneers can last a lifetime if your care for them, you do have to sacrifice some of your enamel during the procedure.
To place porcelain veneers on teeth, cosmetic dentists remove some of the enamel. This ensures that the veneers have a rough surface onto which they can adhere. It also means that the treated teeth don't appear too bulky or large.
For overlapping teeth, a dentist will remove more enamel from the overlapping tooth to ensure that the veneers are level once they have placed them. But once placed, you'll have a straighter, whiter smile that should boost your confidence.
You Could Choose Invisible Aligners Instead
If neither of the aforementioned treatments appeals to you, you could try invisible aligners. Although an invisible aligner is technically braces, you can remove invisible aligners, and they are discreet. So, if the visibility or awkwardness of traditional braces puts you off, try invisible aligners or one of the aforementioned techniques.
To learn more, contact a cosmetic dentistry clinic.