Tips to Prevent and Manage Periodontal Disease

Posted on: 9 March 2022


Missing teeth, bad breath and bleeding gums are a few periodontal disease symptoms that can quickly destroy your self-confidence. And while the condition is easily preventable, approximately 47.2% of individuals aged 30 years and above suffer periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease is an infection that affects the structures around the teeth, such as the alveolar bone and gums. It may start as gingivitis and escalate to a more severe issue if not addressed sooner.

Discover ways to prevent periodontitis and manage the disease if you already have it.

Regular Dental Visits

Plaque is the primary culprit of gum inflammation. The plaque bacteria can seriously irritate the gums without regular brushing and flossing. Failure to address the problem in its initial stage causes the irritated gums to separate from your teeth, creating pockets that harbour even more bacteria.

Regular dental checkups go a long way in managing gum disease before it gets out of hand. Your dentist will examine your gums for early signs of infection and offer simple solutions to mitigate the issue.

An experienced dental professional pays attention to the colour and firmness of your gums to determine if you are at risk of periodontal disease. If the gums appear inflamed or have a reddish shade, that could be a sign of early gingivitis.

Note that regular cleaning and flossing alone do not completely remove plaque. The plaque hardens and becomes tartar with time, especially in hard-to-reach areas between your teeth. It is advisable to schedule frequent teeth cleaning appointments with your dentist to get rid of the hidden tartar in your mouth.

Here, your dentist employs scaling and root planing treatment to scrape the tartar from the roots and teeth surface. They may also use a periodontal probe to measure the spaces between the teeth and gums. If the space is more than 3mm, you might have periodontal pockets. You'd need to start treatment right away in such a case.

Mind What You Eat

Diet plays a massive role in your dental health. You could keep to the basics, like frequent brushing and regular dental visits. But if you are not mindful of what you eat, you risk developing periodontal disease.

Whether you want to prevent or manage periodontal disease, an experienced dental specialist will advise you to eat healthy foods that can boost your immune system. Consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals such as:

  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Salmon
  • Blueberries
  • Raw onions

In the same fashion, you need to stay away from things that catalyze tartar formation or irritate the gums, such as:

  • Tobacco
  • Candy
  • Acidic foods (soft drinks, citrus fruits, etc.)

Periodontal disease can silently damage the strength and integrity of your teeth. Luckily, with proper hygiene, a healthy diet and timely treatment, you can easily improve your oral health and keep periodontitis at bay.

For more information on dentistry, contact a professional near you.