Reasons to Choose Root Canal Treatment Over Tooth Extraction for Severe Tooth Decay

Posted on: 25 April 2022


When a dental cavity goes untreated for a long time, it causes severe tooth decay and weakens the enamel. If you have a decayed tooth, you can choose to have it extracted or undergo root canal treatment. Root canal treatment removes the infected pulp inside the tooth and seals the cavity to prevent future bacteria invasion. Although it costs more than a tooth extraction, this treatment offers various benefits to the patient. Here are three reasons why you should choose root canal treatment over tooth extraction for severe decay.

Preserve the natural tooth

Tooth extraction means losing your natural tooth. Therefore, if you ever want to fill the gap, your only choice is to use dental prostheses, such as implants and dentures. These treatments can be costly, especially if you want permanent prostheses that look and feel like natural teeth. Although extraction is affordable, it can become costly in the long run.

Root canal treatment allows you to keep your natural tooth. This procedure involves treating the decayed tooth and getting rid of the affected tissue. Tooth fillings are inserted into the gap to cover the cavity and restore the original shape and form of the tooth. You can even place a crown over the treated tooth to strengthen it.

Protect the jawbone from resorption

Natural teeth stimulate the jawbone when you bite and chew food. The stimulus promotes bone growth and development and protects the jawbone from degeneration. When you extract a tooth, there is no chewing action on the affected tooth. Therefore, this section of the jawbone stops receiving stimuli.

With no stimulation, the jawbone breaks down and releases minerals into the blood. Bone degeneration shrinks and weakens the rest of the jawbone, causing discomfort during chewing. Jawbone shrinkage can also weaken the facial muscles and cause facial collapse. Root canal treatment eliminates the risk of jaw resorption because you get to retain your natural teeth.

Preserve the dental structure

Tooth extraction leaves gaps between the teeth, which creates an imbalance in the mouth. Over time, the adjacent teeth move into the space to fill it and make up for the imbalance caused by the missing tooth. This movement can cause bite issues and increase the risk of tooth loss. It can also lead to oral hygiene problems, increasing the risk of gum disease.

Root canal treatment preserves the dental structure by preventing tooth movement. Since there is no extraction, the teeth won't distort the existing structure or cause dental health problems. By preserving one tooth, you can avert tooth loss in the future and retain your natural teeth. 

Root canal treatment preserves natural teeth and promotes jawbone growth and development. If you have a severely decayed tooth, visit your dentist for treatment.