
  • What Are the Benefits of Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns?

    You may be happy to have a crown fitted onto a problem tooth, but the cost of your treatment may be a problem. You know that choosing a good quality crown is a good investment in the long-term; these crowns tend to last longer than cheaper options. Quality crowns may cost less over the years compared to crowns that need to be replaced more quickly. However, you need to save some money somewhere right now.
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  • Dentures and Their Advantages

    There are many reasons why one may lose their teeth. Reasons include all types of accidents, diseases and age. Dentures help improve the quality of life for people who have lost all or part of their teeth. Dentures can Help people chew and enjoy their food better. People can lose teeth that are important for chewing and have to resort to softer food, and this can severely affect their quality of life.
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  • Are Your Child's Teeth Giving Them Earaches?

    If your child has complained of persistent earaches for a while, then you'll have taken them to your GP. Your doctor will have checked for signs of infection or problems in the ear. If they don't find anything, then they may tell you to take your child to your dentist. While you may not link your child's ear pain with their teeth, your GP knows that this can happen, especially if your child grinds their teeth.
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  • Veneer Knocked Loose? Here Are the 3 Simple Things to Do Straight Away!

    Veneers are one of the best ways to cover up a multitude of teeth problems, including chipped teeth, discoloured teeth and spaces between the teeth. While veneers usually last a decade or more with good care, accidents do happen sometimes. If you have an accident that dislodges your veneer, it's important to respond in the right way for the sake of your oral health. Here are the three things you should always do as soon as your veneer is knocked out of your mouth.
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  • Is a Crown Making Your Breath Smell Bad?

    You'll be used to having bad breath occasionally if you eat something pungent; however, this kind of smell typically goes away quickly. If a bad smell keeps popping up in your mouth for no reason, then you'll be trying to work out why. If you have a dental crown, then this might be the root of your problem. How can you tell? Smell Test the Crown If you suspect that your crown is making your mouth smell nasty, then try one or more of the following smell tests:
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  • 5 Teeth Cleaning Tips For People With Braces

    If you have braces, it can be difficult to thoroughly clean your teeth. However, cleaning is extremely important. If you don't manage to clean all the plaque from your teeth, bacteria can multiply and put your teeth at risk of developing cavities. Use these top tips to clean around your braces to protect your teeth from decay. 1. Switch From Manual to Electric If you currently use a manual toothbrush, consider switching to an electric one.
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  • 3 Useful Insights for Parents Regarding Dental Space Maintainers for Children

    Most babies suffer from premature loss of baby teeth, which can lead to problems with the development of permanent teeth in the future. Notably, loss of baby teeth causes a delay in the formation of permanent teeth because adjacent baby teeth tend to occupy the space that is left by the missing teeth. Notably, space maintainers are installed in the spaces to pave the way for the normal eruption of permanent teeth.
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  • Your Go-To Guide For Teeth Whitening Laws In Australia

    As one of the quickest ways to transform your appearance, teeth whitening is a dental procedure that comes with plenty of benefits but also some risks. During the lightening process, your teeth will benefit from the use of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. In light enough concentrations, such products are safe for most individuals. However, to produce the best results, some dental practitioners will use stronger solutions. To do so, they need to conduct a thorough analysis of your oral health and prescribe the solution accordingly.
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  • At-Home Teeth Whitening: Be Aware of the Risks of Using Whitening Strips

    Many people who opt for at-home whitening products as compared to visiting the dentist for professional treatment usually make use of whitening strips. These are merely strips that are made from a plastic material that is coated with whitening gel. You are supposed to apply the strips to the teeth and leave them for a few minutes for the gel to work. In some instances, you need to use strips a few times to achieve desirable results.
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  • What You Should and Should Not Do After Teeth Whitening

    Teeth whitening is a common cosmetic dental procedure today. It restores the white colour of your discoloured teeth, giving you a perfect smile. However, how long the effects of teeth whitening last depends on how well you treat your teeth after a teeth-whitening procedure. Part of doing this involves the understanding of what to do and what to avoid after the procedure. If you have just had your first teeth-whitening procedure, you are likely to experience a few problems regarding aftercare.
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