• These two mistakes can lead to tooth loss

    Losing one or more of your teeth can be a distressing experience. It can affect your bite alignment, your speech and your ability to chew and fully digest your food. As such, it's important to be aware of the things that could increase your chances of developing this dental health issue. Here are two mistakes which can lead to tooth loss. Failing to go for regular check-ups Many people don't bother going for their annual dental check-ups, and instead only visit their dentist once every few years.
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  • Why You May Have Been Worrying Too Much about Dental Implants

    As time goes by, the food that people eat and the liquids that they drink have an effect on their teeth. Some people are very good about scheduling regular visits to their dentist, while others are not. As a consequence, many people lose various teeth across their lifetime and suddenly come to realise that they cannot function as well as they did before and may be upset about their consequent appearance.
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  • 3 Ways to Whiten Your Dentures

    If you have been fitted with dentures, you make still wish to achieve that perfect Hollywood smile. However, you cannot use traditional tooth whitening products on your dentures as this could damage them. Thankfully, there is a range of other methods that can be used to whiten dentures. Below is a guide to 3 simple ways you can whiten your dentures Denture Cleaning Solution Denture cleaner doesn't just remove bacteria from the surface of your dentures; they can also be used to whiten the surface of your false teeth.
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