• Which Oral Infections Should You Be Wary Of?

    A common assumption people have about oral care is that it is essential for the prevention of cavities. However, simply because cavities are the most widespread oral problem, it is not the only dental issues that you should be concerned about. There are a myriad of other oral infections that you could develop if you do not give your teeth the care and maintenance that they require. Knowing what the different infections, you are at risk of makes it easier for you to try to avoid them or spot them when you develop them.
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  • Two ways to prevent cavities

    Cavities are holes that develop in teeth. They appear when the acid made by bacterial plaque erodes the tooth's enamel and dentin. They are painful and can weaken the structure of the tooth, making it more prone to breakage. Here are two things that you can do to prevent cavities from occurring. Make some dietary adjustments It's a widely-acknowledged fact that sugar can cause cavities. This is because bacterial plaque inside the mouth use sugar to create teeth-eroding acid.
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  • 4 Important Reasons Why You Should Avoid Mouthwashes Containing Alcohol

    It used to be that practically every kind of mouthwash used alcohol to help rid the mouth of germs. However, this trend is now changing, and you should be able to find plenty of alcohol-free mouthwashes on the shelves of your local supermarket. Of course, you might not be sure exactly why you should use them instead of a product that contains alcohol. Here are just four good reasons why.
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  • What Should You Expect If You Need an Emergency Root Canal?

    On a scale of one to ten, dental pain is a resounding ten. Many times this will prompt you to make an emergency visit to a dentist, and often, significant pain is caused by the formation of a tooth abscess. You may not be looking forward to hearing about a needed root canal, but may nevertheless be preparing yourself. What do you need to know about this process? Initial Analysis
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  • 4 Tips to Follow to Protect Your Dentures During a Long-Distance Hike

    Having dentures should mean being able to go about your normal life without a care. However, there are certain activities that can present problems for denture wearers, and one of them is long-distance hiking. Many people are put off the idea of going on a multi-day hike if they wear dentures, but all you need to do to make sure no problems develop is follow these four tips. 1. Use a Zip-Lock Instead of a Glass
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  • Answers to 3 Frequently Asked Questions about Teeth Whitening for Sensitive teeth

    If you're looking to whiten your teeth for a prettier and brighter smile, you have a host of options today, most of which were not readily available just a few years ago. From whitening toothpastes, gels and strips to at-home whitening kits, you can get back your pearly whites even if you have chronic tooth sensitivity. The truth is that tooth whitening products and procedures are not as well understood as they should be.
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  • 4 Reasons You Should Never Whiten Your Teeth Using Poorly-Fitted Whitening Trays

    Whitening trays are one of the most popular ways of whitening teeth, but you should really have yours made by a dentist to ensure that they properly cover your teeth. If you opt for a store-bought version, it may not fit properly, and poorly-fitted whitening trays present several problems. Here are just four. 1. Uneven Results The main reason why a whitening tray should be custom-made around your teeth is that this is how you'll achieve the best results.
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  • How Your Cosmetic Dentist Can Use the Latest Technology to Plan Work with Even More Precision

    Dentists today are able to perform some amazing work when it comes to restoration. They're able to remove the effects of many years of neglect and transform the appearance of many patients using the latest techniques and technology. If you're considering some significant cosmetic work to help you restore your appearance, you may be interested to hear how cone beam technology can play a significant part. How can this make your experience better?
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  • 4 Problems That Can Occur as a Result of Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard

    Far too many people think that using plenty of elbow grease while brushing their teeth is the best way to rid their mouth of as much plaque and bacteria as possible. However, that plaque and bacteria can be brushed away without very much force at all, and bearing down too hard while you brush can actually do more harm than good. Here are just four problems that can occur as a result of brushing too hard.
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  • Halitosis: Common Culprits in Your Diet

    Bad breath is one of the oral problems that most people will be horrified to develop. Although in some instances bad breath will come about as a symptom of an underlying ailment, more often than not it is usually caused by certain foods in your diet. Several organic components in your food would make you susceptible to bad breath such as protein, volatile sulphuric compounds, and acid. VSCs tend to readily convert into gas, thus causing immediate bad breath with you eat some foods.
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