• Gingival Overgrowth Causes: Why Gums Sometimes Grow Over Teeth or Braces

    When gums grow over teeth, not only is it worrying, but it is also very painful. Eating too becomes difficult and if the condition affects the front teeth, those affected will also be reluctant to smile. In short, gingival overgrowth can make life a living hell for sufferers. Also known as gingival hypertrophy or gingival hyperplasia, gingival overgrowth occurs for several reasons, all of which will be explained here. Medications Can Cause Gingival Overgrowth
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  • Your Guide to Dental Plate Hygiene

    If you're new to dental plates or if you're considering them, you'll need to learn essential techniques for keeping them clean. In addition to ensuring your dental plate lasts longer, careful cleaning reduces the risk of gum disease and other infections. Fortunately, good dental plate hygiene only requires a little effort. Keep cleaning your teeth regularly Foreign bodies are often excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which means you need to clean your teeth just as before.
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  • Know How to Handle Your Child's Dental Injury

    Unfortunately, accidents may happen to anyone at any time, but knowing what to do if a dental injury occurs is not only handy information, but it may often be critical. Toddlers and growing children are naturally more injury prone. In fact, a surprising percentage of children experience dental injuries while growing up. Here's how you can be prepared, should your child suffer this unfortunate  injury. Firstly, if your child sustains a blow to the mouth, there may be no visible damage, but it is best not to simply assume that everything is quite satisfactory.
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  • Three options for those who have lost a tooth

    Losing a tooth as a result of an oral injury or an infection can be an upsetting experience. Here is a brief guide to the three main options you will have, if you should ever find yourself in this situation. Leave the socket empty The type of dental treatments that are used to replace a lost tooth are often quite complex, expensive and time-consuming. As such, if the tooth was located the back of your mouth and its absence is therefore not very noticeable (or if you simply don't mind the way that a missing front tooth looks), you might be thinking about leaving the socket empty.
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  • 5 Ways to Make Your Teeth Whitening Treatment Last Longer

    If you have ever had your teeth professionally whitened in a dentist's office, you know how astounding the results of this popular cosmetic dentistry treatment can be. However, the effects often do not last for long. Many people notice their teeth beginning to lose their brilliant shine soon after the whitening treatment, as stains begin to set in again. To help your teeth stay whiter for longer after professional teeth whitening, use these five top tips.
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  • Understanding a Few Different Types of Dental Specialists

    A family dentist can usually offer many types of needed dental services for anyone, including routine cleaning, x-rays, filling of cavities, examining the mouth for signs of cancer and other diseases, and the like. However, your family dentist may recommend you visit a dental specialist, or you may have problems with your mouth and teeth outside his or her area of expertise. Note a few different dental specialists and the types of dental problems they address so you can know what type of expert you may need and what services they can provide.
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  • Important Cautions for Those Who Have False Teeth

    False teeth can be a great choice for anyone with severe dental issues, as dentures can readily take the place of rotted or severely chipped and broken teeth. You can then chew and speak easily, and not worry about the appearance of those rotted teeth or gaps due to missing teeth. If you do have false teeth, note a few precautions about their use and care so your dentures are always in good repair and safe for use and your mouth stays as healthy as possible.
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  • Overcoming fear of the dentist

    Contemplating a visit to the dentist can be an incredibly stressful experience for some people. This can be attributed to a number of factors. Previous negative experiences understandably invoke intense anxiety in some individuals, and postponing or completely avoiding a visit to the dentist becomes a convenient option. For some, especially children, it may be due to a lack of understanding. They simply cannot see why they have to lie on a chair with a beam of light shining on their face while someone in a white coat examines their mouth with strange looking instruments.
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  • 5 Reasons You Should Take Childhood Bruxism Seriously

    Bruxism, otherwise known as tooth grinding, is something that a lot of children suffer from; it typically occurs during sleep, but you may also notice your child grinding while they are awake. It's a habit that kids often grown out of, but you should really try to put a stop to grinding quickly, and here are just five reasons why. 1. Tooth Wear As you might already have guessed, one of the most serious issues caused by tooth grinding is a wearing down of the surface enamel.
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  • Top Reasons Why Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene Is So Important

    Most dental problems arise simply because people neglect the oral care habits recommended by their dentist. To maintain good dental health, everyone needs to brush and floss their teeth regularly, go for routine checkups and cleanings, and immediately see a dentist when faced with a dental emergency, generally speaking.  Let's take a look at why it is crucial for people to maintain good oral hygiene. To prevent dental disease Digestion of the food that we eat begins in the mouth.
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